Ever since the Revolutionary War, the U.S. has always been the big Allie of any battle or any war. But it has got out of hand, it has got out of hand so bad that the spending is too large. Yes, you could argue that the U.S. military should stay where they're at but not even Russia has anywhere close to what they have. I’m not trying to be a pacifist or anything it’s just that honestly the U.S. isn’t going to be in any major conflict any time soon so maybe cut down the prices of military spending.
Personally, I love this one fact because it says a lot about U.S. military spending because we honestly have way too much money in our military. The fact is that the U.S. spends more on the military than 144 countries COMBINED yes I said it correctly I said combined that just a mind-blowing fact. When you think of strong militaries other than the U.S. you probably think of China or North Korea but China has only about 250 million dollars into their military. And I didn’t talk about this in the last paragraph but the U.S. has over 650 million dollars into their military. And the 10 next countries don’t have even nearly as close to what the U.S. has. So to wrap up on this paragraph think about that for a minute about the literal crazy amount of spending the U.S. does,
Next, this is a big one to touch upon to because think for a minute of all the hoods and gangs and poverty in the United States. And then see the military spending and it gets you thinking because this would definitely not happen if simply the U.S. didn’t spend so much on the military. When you think of gangs you usually think of shootings and drug dealing and the U.S. has most of these because recent studies fount out that at the end of 2019 the U.S. had 417 mass shootings. In conclusion, the U.S. could take control of this and invest money in stopping this from happening.
Some people would argue that the U.S. should stay where they're at because if something big did happen like another World War we would need this power for the war. One cannot dent that having a big military is great and gives us protection. But, the U.S. hasn’t been in a major conflict in over 70 years and a lot of people now want peace and equality and the U.S. doesn’t really get into big wars with any countries besides like Afghanistan or Iraq but that wasn’t a huge conflict. Therefore, we don’t need a huge military just to fight in little puny wars.
In conclusion, the United States needs to stop spending all of their money on the military and spend it on more important things. So if they stop paying for their military people could pay bills and get out of poverty. So take the stand and tell everybody that the U.S. should stop spending all their money on their military https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2019/07/18/us-spends-more-its-military-176-countries-combined/

The U.S military doesn't spend money on themselves. The government spends that money. (cough cough trump cough)