Monday, February 3, 2020

        Plastic in the ocean is destroying wildlife
Should we get the plastic out of the ocean and help the animals survive. Plastic in the ocean is destroying wildlife. First, the plastic is getting animals in bad situations. "Discarded fishing nets kill approximately 300,000 dolphins and porpoises every year. The dolphins and porpoises get tangled in the nets and die".
 Second, animals are eating too much plastic and dying.” Sea turtles mistake floating plastic for food, and they even can starve by thinking the plastic was food. That could also do the same for fish and the fish die the coral reefs die because the fish give the coral reef its energy to stop huge waves and big storms.
 People would think there isn't a lot of plastic in the ocean. There are 11million pieces of plastic in the ocean.” 11 million pieces and parts of plastic enter the ocean every year. “Show the people that don't throw things in the ocean tell them to throw it in the recycling.
 Keeping plastic away from the ocean and keeping it clean is a great way to protect the earth and you care about your environment and keep the ocean clean.

Image result for plastic in the ocean"

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