After school, I always play basketball. It is my favorite sport. It is really fun to play. It is the best sport. Nothing can compete with basketball in just how fun and exciting the sport is.
First, basketball can help with many things. It can “build endurance, improve balance and coordination.” It is also “Combines the ideal amount of necessary raw physical attributes height, strength, speed, agility, power, etc.” Playing the sport is healthy for you. Playing basketball every day will help you in the long run.
Second, basketball is fun and fast-paced. “It can give you a great workout.” You can get in shape playing the sport and gain more muscles. Not only that but your eye-hand coordination if you work on dribbling the ball with your eyes up. Eye-hand coordination can also help with typing and playing video games.
You can injure yourself. Of course, people will say that to you but, if you stretch the right way you can reduce injuring yourself. You can also reduce injuring yourself by warming up the right way. Don’t rush when stretching or warming up because that doesn’t help, you could still get injured. You can work on landing the right way so you don’t roll your ankle.
Basketball is the best sport. Nothing can and will be able to compete with it. You can get in shape playing the sport and it is really fun. You can play all year round, indoor and outdoor. If you are a competitive person this is the sport for you.

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