Monday, February 3, 2020

Sitting too close to the TV than necessary will not hurt your eyes.

I’m guessing that your own mom or dad has probably said “Don’t sit too close to that TV it will hurt your eyes!” well I know mine has and you yes you have been wondering “will it hurt my eyes?” Well, today is your lucky day! Sitting too close to the TV does not hurt your eyes

First, sitting too close to the TV doesn’t hurt your eyes it can actually be helpful in knowing that your child has nearsightedness. Penn State University says “sitting too close to the TV does not damage your eyes, it can actually be helpful in spotting early signs of nearsightedness in children.”. That means it could be helpful in knowing that your child could be nearsighted.

Second, modern televisions have the proper shielding, so radiation is not an issue. New York Times states, “Before the 1950's, television sets emitted levels of radiation that after repeated and extended exposure could have heightened the risk of eye problems in some people” This is saying that yes sitting to close to the TV damages your eyes back in the 1950s so radiation will never be a worry anymore.

Some people might say, that if you have a severe enough headache it could lead to a stroke. Of course a stroke is bad. However, the New York Times said that while concentrating on a screen for hours on end may not cause blindness, it can lead to eyestrain or a headache. Keeping the room fairly well lighted while the television is on and peeling your eyes from the screen for an occasional break can prevent this. Therefore, that a stroke is a bad thing to come across, you just have to keep it well lighted and have occasional breaks can prevent anything from happening.

In conclusion, sitting too close to the TV then necessary will not damage your eyes. It could be helpful knowing that your kid might be nearsighted, there is no radiation in TVs anymore, and there is a way to prevent headaches non the less a stroke. You think what you want to think but I’m going to call it myth busted!

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