Schools Should Spend More of Their Income on Athletics
Imagine you are on a soccer/football field you are about to get a point for your team, when all of the sudden you get your foot caught in a hole and you sprain or break your ankle. While your team gets decimated by the opposing team because you were the glue to your team. Well, that why I feel that not enough money is going into athletics. I feel that more of the income from schools should go into sports/athletics.
First, parents from other districts would put their kid in for our district, bringing more tax payers. The money received from the parents could go back into sports and practices. The school could pay for better trainers and coaches. Thus, school could have a rotation of the money coming in from other parents for sport, the money could go right back into athletics. If the money goes over they could put the money into other things.
Next, if the fields would get filled up there would be fewer injuries and possible bills. For an example on the fields I personally play on now there are holes everywhere. The players could passably get really hurt, ruining their careers. I also feel like the people that take care of the fields don't fill the holes.
Some people would say that, there not as many people that play sports and like sports. That is technically true because not as many people are not as into sports as others. However, the people that have an interest in sports want to stay safe and get better. Also, according to the National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS), they say around fifty-five percent of high school/middle school people play sports.
So as a conclusion, schools should spend more of their income on athletic. Parents from other districts would put their kid in for our district, bringing more tax payers. The money received from the parents could go back into sports and practices, Next, if the fields would get filled up there would be fewer injuries and possible bills. That’s why I think that schools to spend more money on athletics.