Hi. I finally got my hunting license last weekend. Now, I've wanted to hunt as long as I can remember. My grandfather, I'll just call him Pop-Pop, ( Language Tool, shut up you useless sack of crap) ended up buying me a .22 caliber rifle for my 9th birthday. I find it kinda funny that I got a gun at 9, and a phone at 12. I hope those weren't based on my maturity, because that would mean I went down. I also will, for those who are interested in it, put Pennsylvania's game commission page right here. https://www.pgc.pa.gov/HuntTrap/LicensesandPermits/pages/default.aspx You don't have to go to it, but I hope you will. Anyway, back to the license. So, on Sunday, we went down to this shop in Bernville to renew my dad’s license and to get mine. So we get there and my dad and I go in and figure out which counter they sell the things. We go over to the counter and after my dad's all squared away, it's my turn. But, since I'm a newbie, they needed my Social Security number. Dad, of course, didn't know my number (I don't blame him). So he called my grandma, who lives with us, to find my number. She found it, so we could go right ahead. So, we went to the counter to actually buy the license. Turns out, the local gun club covers all youth hunting licenses. So, that was a nice surprise.
And that's where our little adventure ends. Bye.
P.S. I know .22 isn't a hunting caliber.
I do not have my children's ss numbers memorized either, but I keep their numbers as a contact in my phone.