Holiday Traditions
First things first, let's just say my tradition is pretty basic. Every Christmas eve we go to my aunt and uncle's house and so do a bunch of my other family members. When we get there, some of the kids go down in the basement and play games or whatever until dinner is ready. Then, we all go upstairs and eat dinner. Once you get done, some of the kids go back downstairs and all the adults usually stay upstairs and just talk. After that, dessert is ready so we all go upstairs and eat dessert. Usually like 15 minutes later we all go upstairs and open all our presents. After that, we do family photos. Lastly, most of the kids go down to the basement and play games and stuff. Finally, we all go home and usually go straight to bed because it is late. **HAHA JUST KIDDING, only my parents go to bed. My sister and I stay up until like 3:00 am.**

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