Thursday, December 19, 2019
Holiday Traditions
For me, it's nearly identical to my birthday where I get a certain amount of money for Christmas depending on how much I got for my birthday. So let's say I get a lot of money for my birthday, then I won't get as much for Christmas. But that's mainly the only holiday tradition that I besides me having turkey and ham for Christmas instead of just ham alone.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
My Ham Tradition
Every year my family likes to spend a crapload of money on just getting food. I wonder why she would not waste this much money on presents:[. So I go to the store with her to get the ham for the huge feast and when we go to get the ham there was a pretty cheap ham for her to buy but she buys this huge ham for like $100 and I asked her she didn't just get the cheap one and she said because we have a big family. So we went home and got the table and the food ready when we started eating I was the only one to eat the ham maybe that was an exaggeration really like 5 people ate it. But remember what she sais we have a big family when there was still half of the ham was left. But as the years went by my family started eating the ham and in the end there was no more ham left. In conclusion, my family finally started eating ham. THIS WAS A MADE UP STORY
My Christmas tradition
every year on Christmas I go to see family near Harrisburg and go out to eat and then go home and eat again with my mom's side of the family and watch basketball. then I open presents and chill the rest of the day
My Christmas Tradition
My Yearly tradition every year is we choose a day to put up the Christmas tree. Then we put up our Christmas lights on our house. We also usually go to Christmas village to see all the lights. My grandma comes on Christmas eve every year and my pop-pop comes a couple days before Christmas.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
My holiday tradition
I don't really have any traditions, but every year I go to my great grandmother's. Usually on Christmas eve because she goes to Florida on Christmas to see other family members When I was little I would go and open up presents from her, my grandpa, and "Santa", then we would eat ham, veggies, and potatoes for dinner. Now we go and I open up presents from her and my grandpa. However I usually just get money from my grandpa. Also now my brother and I don't like ham so we just have turkey or chicken instead.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Holiday traditions with the Hueske Family (Not many)
Holiday Traditions with the Hueske Family
We celebrate Christmas, and it's lots of fun. One of the more unique ways we celebrate Christmas is by guessing how many M&Ms are in a jar. The closest guess takes the jar. We also celebrate in many common ways, like eating turkey, ham, and stuffing. Otherwise, we don't really have any other unique Christmas traditions.
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!
Holiday traditions: Godfrey eddition
So at the Godfrey house, we don't have many traditions. The traditions we do have though, are boring. So I'm not going to explain those. We kinda have more of a routine. Sadly, this will not happen this year for some reasons like my sister moving and a new TV. But this is how it went for the past 5 years.
My oldest sister would always be the first to wake up. So she would go downstairs and wait for a bit. She would get bored after a bit of waiting and turned the TV on. We had a Sony TV. BWAAAAANG is all you would hear at 4:30 IN THE MORNING. Then, I would wake up because of the TV. Then I would realize, "oh wait, its Christmas" and go downstairs. Cecily, my oldest sister and I would watch TV for a good amount of time before my sister finally woke up. At this time, it would be around 7:30. We usually would have to wait for about 30 minutes to an hour. After that, we would eat breakfast AND THEN WAIT FOR 5 HOURS AS WE SAT AT THE TABLE AND TALKED. Then it took roughly 10 minutes to clean up. Now we finally get to open our presents and wow would you look at the time 10:00 and now I have to go to my aunts' house. More presents (basically killed two birds with one stone). That's basically it for my traditions. I hope that you enjoyed, thank you for reading!
My oldest sister would always be the first to wake up. So she would go downstairs and wait for a bit. She would get bored after a bit of waiting and turned the TV on. We had a Sony TV. BWAAAAANG is all you would hear at 4:30 IN THE MORNING. Then, I would wake up because of the TV. Then I would realize, "oh wait, its Christmas" and go downstairs. Cecily, my oldest sister and I would watch TV for a good amount of time before my sister finally woke up. At this time, it would be around 7:30. We usually would have to wait for about 30 minutes to an hour. After that, we would eat breakfast AND THEN WAIT FOR 5 HOURS AS WE SAT AT THE TABLE AND TALKED. Then it took roughly 10 minutes to clean up. Now we finally get to open our presents and wow would you look at the time 10:00 and now I have to go to my aunts' house. More presents (basically killed two birds with one stone). That's basically it for my traditions. I hope that you enjoyed, thank you for reading!
Holiday Traditions
Holiday traditions

One of our traditions is, we hide a fake pickle somewhere in our Christmas tree. Then, whoever finds it first gets an extra, early, present. We usually do that on Christmas morning.
Another thing we do is go to church on Christmas Eve. We also celebrate my younger sister's birthday. Before we can go into our living room to open our presents, my mom makes us take a picture sitting on the steps. My mom also did that with my grandfather when she was younger.
Christmas Videos
2016 |
Christmas Videos
One of my favorite but kind of embarrassing holiday traditions is that my dad videos the morning of every Christmas. Every Christmas my father videotapes me and my sisters opening our presents. Then if we want to, we can watch our videos from previous years. This can sometimes be embarrassing to watch myself when I was like seven or something. I just cringe at myself because I would change so many things I did when I was younger. It is also very nice though to see memories be made and something we always do as a family.
2017 |
Holiday Traditions
~Holiday Traditions~
A holiday tradition that my family does every year is that we do a game called Secret Santa. Where the previous Christmas we all put our names in a hat and pull someone's name out and then we have to get them a Christmas gift for the next year but they can't know it's you. And then the following Christmas we start with someone and then keep going in order till everybody has a gift. And we also do basic holiday things like baking cookies, decorating the tree and watching Christmas movies like any other traditional family. The whole family when we fo down to our grandparent's farmhouse for Christmas the whole entire family is there and we all dance to the Christmas music.
Holiday Edition
I´ll be honest, I thought my family was the only one who did this, but nope! So here it goes. My family still does Christmas pajamas. I thought and still do, think it´s weird. So we typically go to my aunt's house and after dinner, my aunt gets the pajamas for me and my sister (and my older cousins used to get them too). Here are some of the hits:
Batman, and Guns and Roses. At the risk of being repetitive, I still think it´s super weird, but at least I know I´m not the only one. Thank you, Mrs. Maulick, for dragging up these memories.
Batman, and Guns and Roses. At the risk of being repetitive, I still think it´s super weird, but at least I know I´m not the only one. Thank you, Mrs. Maulick, for dragging up these memories.

Holiday tradition
My family on the holidays we have all of our family come over. We have about 10 people come over and before the holiday we go to New Jersy the night before the holiday. Sometimes we go to like Shady Maple and eat there sometimes but most of the time it's at Shady Maple but we do have dinner at our house.
My Holiday Traditions
Every Christmas day my grandparents, aunts, uncle, and cousins come down around 5:00. First, we eat a Christmas meal and open presents. My favorite thing we do is play Christmas games. Last year we played a game where everyone had a present and you rolled the dice and traded your presents. My favorite game was where there was a present that was wrapped a lot, one person had oven mitts and tried to open the presents, while the person in front of you was rolling dice and trying to get doubles. That is my favorite Christmas tradition.
Holiday Traditions (N/A)
The most embarrassing holiday tradition is that I don't have one. Everyone or most people have a weird or embarrassing holiday tradition.
christmas dinner
ok, let's get something straight quick, at my house Christmas dinner puts all other meals to shame. so my favorite tradition at my house is Christmas dinner. I think it because most of my family comes over to have a meal together. It also most of the stuff I have at the dinner I only get once a year like honey ham, homemade rolls, sweet potato pie, and lots more. I also get to talk with family I don't see as often as my cousins that live in Virginia. In conclusion that is why my favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas dinner.
Comment below your favorite tradition.
Comment below your favorite tradition.

My Holiday Tradition
My least favorite holiday tradition is going to my grandma's house for Christmas Eve. I don't like it because there are too many people there and I hate crowded areas. I'm also awake all night usually. Then the next day we have to meet up at my aunt's house. Basically, everyone who was there the day before and I still hate. My favorite part about it is that I get more presents and that is pretty nice. I am usually awake for like 3 days straight on these days. After Christmas, I usually just sleep until I have to go back to school.
The Christmas Presents
The Christmas Presents
What is your holiday tradition? Do you have a favorite tradition? Everyone has a holiday tradition. Whether it is Christmas or any holiday everyone has one. Some of us have embarrassing traditions, traditions we don't like, or favorite traditions but we've all got one.

One of my favorite holidays is Christmas. I enjoy doing many traditions around Christmas time. When it is Christmas a lot of people like to do traditions with their family and friends. The traditions that a lot of people do are decorating the Christmas tree, making cookies, opening presents on Christmas, and many others.
Do you like Christmas Presents? I have a lot of favorite holiday traditions, but my top favorite has to be opening Christmas presents. To me I just find this to be my favorite tradition. I don't think it is unusual for me to like this because I think almost every kid likes receiving presents. Every morning on Christmas Day, I bet everyone runs to the presents that are sitting under the Christmas tree before doing anything else. I just enjoy gathering around the tree and opening presents with my family.
When Christmas comes I enjoy many fun traditions. Whether it is opening presents, making cookies (or eating them), seeing Christmas lights, decorating the Christmas tree, or drinking hot chocolate, I love doing all these traditions around Christmas time.
When Christmas comes I enjoy many fun traditions. Whether it is opening presents, making cookies (or eating them), seeing Christmas lights, decorating the Christmas tree, or drinking hot chocolate, I love doing all these traditions around Christmas time.
Christmas Traditions
My favorite holiday tradition is cookies. Most Christmas my mom bakes cookies. She Let me and my sisters pick what kind of cookies we want and she will bake them. Every Christmas we stay in our PJs. My favorite holiday is obviously Chrismas because of the cookies. I know everyone likes cookies. My favorite cookies are Chocolate Chips. I always ask my mom to bake them for Christmas. That's my favorite holiday tradition getting cookies every year.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Christmas Tradition
Every year on Christmas morning, we wake up and go look at our stockings. We are allowed to go through our stockings before we wake up Mommy. Then at about 8:30 we wake up Mommy and make her come out so we can start opening presents. Then she usually takes pictures and videos as my sister and I take turns opening presents. Then Mommy makes breakfast.
holidays Traditions
Our holiday tradition is not bad but it's not good at the same time. So first we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. But we celebrate Christmas a lot more than Hanukkah. We celebrate Hanukkah from my mom's side of the family. We only get little things for Hanukkah and get the bigger things for Christmas. Then on Christmas eve, my mom makes me and my brothers wear the same PJs for a picture so she can post it in social media. So that is my holiday tradition.
Holiday Traditions!
Holiday Traditions!
I am going to be talking about a couple of holiday traditions my family does or is going to do.
I know that in Language Arts we are talking about a Christmas Carole. My family and I have been attending this amazing version of a Christmas Carole play and all the people who are in the play are such joyful and happy people and they are all very experienced actors. Everything in this theater is very olden times and it reminds you a lot about the Christmas Carole. The scenes and everything that they do is amazing. If you are interested, get your tickets as soon as you can. This theater is in Allentown. The theater is called Sivick Theater. This event is going to take place on 12/20/19
I go to a church called Calvary and they do this very remarkable Christmas light show. You have to pull up a certain radio station and the light move along with the music. My family and I go to this church every Sunday and we found this church by seeing these cool lights. They also sell hot chocolate and cookies every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the weekends. You can also do little crafts on the weekends as well. I am going to help out on one of the weekends with the cookies and hot chocolate. More information is on this little flyer below:
We open up presents in the morning. We also bake all kind of cookies. I will post a blog on a cookie that we make that is very unusual.
Holiday Traditions
Every year since I was a baby and previous years, ever since my mom was young, my family would get together and make tons of cookies. It was a tradition that my grandfather had started. Everyone had to bring a different recipe. My family always brings butterscotch cookies. But January of 2018 my grandfather had passed away from cancer, but we all got to spend that Christmas making cookies with him. So now every year it is a priority that we make these cookies, and light candles outside on the porch. This takes one weekend before Christmas to do. In the two days that our big, crazy family is together we make my grandfather's favorite foods, play family board games, watch Christmas movies, and watch/look through family pictures. This is my family tradition.
Christmas Tradition
Cookie Day
In the month of December, the girls in my family come together to make cookies.
This year cookie day was on the 7th of December.
Each person that comes has to bring a
batch of cookie dough any kind they desire.
My mom and I always make mint chocolate chip cookies.
During the day my family eats a lot I mean a lot of cookies.
There is so much of a variety that you just want to eat each different kind.
My family tradition
For my family tradition every year we get our Christmas tree! We go to looses tree farm every year and get the perfect tree. First, we get a saw and a sled and then we go find the perfect tree. After we are finished with the hard part, "finding the perfect tree" we go and cut it down. Then we take it to our car and go home and we decorate it. The main reason we do this is that we are a blended family and there are 7 of us! We do this because then we can all be together as a family.
My Favorite Holiday Tradition
My favorite holiday tradition is going to my grandparents' house to see my grandparents and my cousins. We all bring a lot of food such as corn, green beans, peas, rolls, ham, and a lot more. We also bring tons of desserts. There's soft, warm cookies, perfect creamy key lime pie that melts in your mouth, sweet coconut cream pie, and again, a lot more. After that, we sometimes play some board games, usually some games on the SNES in the basement, but then almost every year, we get a few people together to play two games. The first game is Mexican Ping-Pong. You play this on a normal ping-pong table with a normal ping-pong ball and a normal ping-pong paddle. The only difference is that you need to let the ball bounce on the floor once before hitting it, but that's actually not the only difference. You can hit it anywhere, as long as it bounces off of the table at least once when you hit it. The game is also played in order of age, either youngest to oldest or oldest to youngest, where the youngest person goes first, then the next youngest after that, then the next, all the way up to the oldest, and when it gets to the oldest, it goes back to the youngest and repeats. If it's oldest to youngest, it's the same thing but backward. The ways you get out are by either letting the ball bounce on the floor twice or hitting the ball without it bouncing on the table. The other game we play is a game called Body Body. We use string to tie off an area of the basement, so we are only allowed to walk around in a small portion of the basement. Before the round starts, get the same number of cards as there are people playing. We use Skip-Bo cards, but any card works. So, for us at least, all green cards are citizens, all blue cards are doctors, and all Skip-Bo cards are mafias. There should be one mafia and one doctor, and the rest should be citizens, but we usually have two of each because we play with so many people. You each draw a card, but you don't tell anyone what you got. When the game starts, the lights are turned off. Everyone has to wander around in the dark, and there is no speaking or making sound. If you accidentally make sound, everyone can hear it and the mafias will usually go towards you. When a mafia encounters a citizen or a doctor, they slit their throat with their hand. When your throat is cut, you are dead and must lie on the floor and not move. When a doctor encounters someone who's dead on the floor, they pat their shoulder to let them know they've been revived. When a citizen encounters someone who's dead on the floor, they call out "body body" and everyone freezes except one person who goes to turn on the lights. When the lights are on, the dead people are removed from the game, usually to sit out of bounds. Then, all of the alive people gather in a circle. They have to guess who the mafia is. Anyone can accuse anyone else, even the mafia can accuse someone. They usually say why they believe that the person was the mafia just to make the accusation more believable. When they have the accusations, someone asks for all in favor of killing off the accused. You can only vote for one person to be removed. If more than half the people vote on removing them, that person is killed and has to sit out for the rest of the game. If they were the mafia, they admit it and the game is over, the citizens and doctors win. The only way the mafia can win is by killing off everyone. Seeing my cousins is one of my favorite holiday traditions, and that is exactly why.
White elephant
Every year at Christmas we usually do a white elephant. Which in my family you pick a number from a hat and all the presents are wrapped and we don't know what each one is only the person who brought it does. So we pick a number from the hat and you can pick any mistery present you think is good. Then you unwrap it and see what you got. If you like it you can keep it or if your unlucky the next person that goes can steal it or open another present. The very last person can unwrap the last one or steal it from a person then the person that got their present stollen they can steal or unwrap the last present. So it pretty much keeps going and going for hours.

Holiday Traditions with the Seip and Wolfard family
One holiday tradition we do is, on Christmas eve we go to my mom's side of the family to her mom's house (Wolfard) and we will eat a Christmas dinner and my uncle will bring us presents that Santa left for us. Then on Christmas, me and my brother will look for the pickle in the tree to see who gets the first present to open (which I always find it first hehe). After we open presents, around 1 we usually go to my dad's side of the family's house (Seip) and eat Christmas dinner and open presents that my grandma and aunt got us. Last year me and my cousin Zach got these matching bunny pajamas from a Christmas story and now every Christmas my mom is gonna make me wear it because it's funny to her.
Holiday Traditions
Holiday Traditions
Holiday Traditions
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